Well to say I'm excited would be an understatement. Even after just reading through the first chapter of Beyond the BakeSale I know this is going to be a revolutionary book for me.
I signed up for "PTcamp after a year of struggling with communication with my own child's school. After feeling left out of some critical information regarding his academic progress I asked myself if I was including my students parents in their education as much as I wanted to be included in his. Was I making their education a true partnership or taking it on as my sole responsibility?
To be honest I always assumed that my students parents didn't want to know or really didn't care. I am ashamed to say the number of times I have thought to myself "Why am I the only person accountable for these students education, their parents need to be involved," but I wasn't going out and making that happen. The authors of Beyond the BakeSale hit me like a ton of bricks "When families are engaged in positive ways, rather than labeled as problems, schools can be transformed from places where only certain students prosper to ones where all children do well" I want everyone of my students to do more than well I want them to EXCEL in whatever they choose! Why haven't I worked harder to reach out to the other people in their lives who want that as well!!! Can't wait to hear more about tools to do that!
Another key point in this introductory chapter that excited me was the concept that by bridging the gap between school and home we can show our students that we are united. I have always known in the back of my mind that if I could get the parents on my side when it comes to understanding my goals and expectations I would have an easier job getting buy in from the kids. I was just always so unsure how to go about it. Another reason why this book is hitting home for me.
Finally as I was reading through these first few pages I was hit with the realization that we as teachers have to be involved with the planning and execution of these parent/teacher events. It can't be something that the administration does just to check off another box (can you say PTL meetings that no teachers attend).
It was difficult for me not to read ahead but I really want to give each and every chapter it's due diligence. I am anxiously awaiting the feedback and thoughts from the others in the virtual book club on this chapter. Follow us on twitter at #PTcamp
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