Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Teacher Lifeline - Part 1: The Calendar

If you are like me it can be difficult at times to keep track of everything you have going on.  I had a desk calendar, a calendar on my computer, a calendar on my phone and then a calendar in my plan book. I could never find the exact thing I need to help me keep it all together.  Sooooooo I decided I would create my own.  I am a huge fan of Erin Condren and if you haven't seen her stuff it is a must for any educator, but I still just wasn't finding exactly what I needed for a middle school setting.  I did however use her teacher plan book as my inspiration for creating my very own calendar/planner/gradebook aaaannnddd because I love it so much I wanted to share it with YOU GUYS......

Introducing.... My Teacher Lifeline (calendar installment)

The calendar includes all twelve months, and some really great quotes on each of the those months. And while the design is really cute and catchy I think my favorite part is that it is very flexible as the actual dates haven't been filed in. Just circles where you can put the correct number in. This way you don't need to re-download a new version come December. I hope you enjoy it and get as much use out of it as I am. Please let me know if you have any questions or you see a correction that needs made. Keep checking back for the rest of My Te
aching Lifeline - my gradebook and lesson planning sections, as well as all those little miscellaneous documents that are vital to a teachers life. Enjoy!!!

My Teaching Lifeline - Calendar

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